Our range of e-learning bitesize resources on the WorldSkills UK Learning Lab supports educators and careers leaders to inspire students to choose technical education and apprenticeships as prestigious career pathways. With our focus on STEM, future skills and priority skill areas, whether it’s general TVET careers education and information you are looking to provide, or sector and industry specific, our module and video resources take between 25-45 minutes to complete, are easy to use and designed to support you to meet Gatsby Benchmarks 2,4, 5 and 7.
Support learners to explore and articulate their skills, strengths and career ambitions
Inform students on the skills and attributes it takes to be successful in the workplace
Highlight the benefits, opportunities and prestige of technical education and apprenticeship routes
Encompass a range of sectors, skills and careers with a focus on future skills
Draw on industry and employers, placing role models and WorldSkills UK Skills Champions at the heart of content for true career inspiration
Are bitesize, interactive, easy to use digital resources requiring only a device with internet access, screen and audio
Feature lesson plans and activity sheets to aid educator delivery and assist learners with effective careers planning.
Include videos and interactivity to support educators to meet Gatsby benchmarks 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 and Career Development Institute Framework ‘manage career’
After registering on the WorldSkills UK Learning Lab, you’ll find our resources below in the ‘Careers Education’ category within ‘Lessons & Resources’. There you’ll find our two core topic areas and range of resources. The ‘Assess’ topic area is designed to introduce students to the concept of skills and strengths as well as a career, equipping learners with the ability to articulate their own career ambitions, skills and strengths. ‘Explore’ encompasses a range of resources which have been divided into sector subtopics. Through these modules learners will explore a variety of industries and roles, covering four core areas:
Section A – 25 minutes, Section B – 25 minutes.
Gatsby benchmarks: 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Learning outcomes: Students will assess their existing strengths, skills and ambitions, link key strengths and skills with what employers are looking for, identify new skills to develop to help their future career goals.
This module covers:
30 minutes
Gatsby benchmarks: 1, 2, 3 and 7
Learning Outcomes: Students will learn how to access and use career information to plan for their future, research and identify opportunities open to them, translate their skills, strengths, and ambitions into a career goal with an action plan.
This module covers:
25 minutes
Gatsby benchmarks: 1, 3, 5 and 7.
Learning Outcomes: Students will understand what an apprenticeship is and the levels available, explore what being an apprentice involves and how it leads to career success, students will identify if an apprenticeship is a good next step.
This module covers:
20 minutes
Gatsby benchmarks: 3, 5 and 7.
Learning Outcomes: Students will understand what technical education and higher technical education is and what it involves, consider T-Levels and Higher Technical Education as a next step, explore why studying technical education at college post-16 is beneficial, discover why technical education is a prestigious and worthwhile pathway.
This module covers:
From carpenter to web developer and CNC machinist to games designer, these careers resources are sector specific and highlight the various roles, skills and technical pathways and apprenticeships in various careers. All resources take 25 minutes to complete and place either Skills Champions (past WorldSkills UK competitors) or inspiring role models from industry partners at the heart of the content. These resources support educators to meet Gatsby benchmarks 1, 5 and 7.