As we prepare for WorldSkills Shanghai 2022, otherwise known as the ‘Skills olympics’ I’m excited to announce that 12 of our training managers have become chief and deputy chief experts in their respective skills. These include many high priority areas for the UK such as mechanical engineering CAD, cyber security, IT network systems administration and industry 4.0 to mention a few. We’re also thrilled to be able to announce that Barry Skea has become our first chief expert for Scotland.

The benefits of having UK experts in the chief and deputy chief roles, are that we have a greater influence on how the competition develops and we can ensure that UK sector requirements in the skills, are taken into account.

Photo of Barry Skea

Chief experts work closely with any of the 86 other member countries taking part in WorldSkills Shanghai and gain an understanding of how the skill is developing on a global scale. It is an opportunity to rapidly develop management and leadership skills, to quickly connect with the major players in the different industries and to develop as educators.

The role carries a lot of influence and is also a considerable responsibility. Experts are placed at the front line of competition delivery, dealing with a wide range of possible issues from accurate assessment of technical skills through to competitor welfare and this means they must act calmly in sometimes highly-pressured situations.

Photo of Suresh Kamadchisundaram

But the rewards reaped go way beyond the limits of pure competition. Close collaboration with overseas peers helps us to create international benchmarking to inform the development of UK curricula and apprenticeships, ensuring we remain at the leading edge of industry requirements for all markets and are attractive in terms of securing the inward investment in key industries and services that UK businesses need to compete effectively at home and overseas.

WorldSkills Shanghai is scheduled to take place between 12 and 17 October 2022.

Chief Experts
Barry Skea: Mechanical engineering CAD
Marcin Regulski: Industry 4.0
Sureshkumar Kamadchisundaram: Cyber security
Mike Spence: 3D Game art
Mike Burdett: Bricklaying
Julianne Lavery: Visual merchandising
Christian Notley: Cabinet making
Andy Pengelly: Joinery

Deputy Chief Experts
Daytun Unitt: Manufacturing team challenge
Kevin Large: IT Network systems
Steve Jinks: Jewellery
Simon Abbott: Landscaping

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