Across the UK, and worldwide, a series of important events contribute toward, and support, our vision to raise standards in apprenticeships and technical education so that more young people and employers succeed. These range from national and international competitions, to skills summits, workshops and round tables.

Find a list below, and if you would like an event included please contact

Photo of Shea competing internationally in the landscape gardening competition

Photo of Productivity lab roundtable at LIVE 2019

WorldSkills UK roundtable on inward investment and skills - 20 June 2023

In the UK, skill supply has been a key concern for employers and inward investors for many years. That is why WorldSkills UK set up an independent Skills Taskforce for Global Britain in May 2021 to provide recommendations on how the UK could get better at using high-quality technical skills to attract and retain more inward investment. This roundtable will support decision making in this field.

Photo of Productivity lab roundtable at LIVE 2019

WorldSkills UK - Manufacturing Excellence roundtable - 12 July 2023

With the latest research commissioned by WorldSkills UK identifying a skills crisis looming for UK manufacturing, this interactive session will convene representatives from education, industry, and governments to discuss how the sector can be fully powered as an engine for growth, levelling up and progress toward net zero.

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