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Team UK
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Gloucestershire Engineering Training \ Customade Group

Meet Michael, a determined competitor with a passion for electronics. His journey began when he clinched the silver medal at the WorldSkills UK National Finals in 2022. Now, he’s setting his sights even higher, gearing up to compete at WorldSkills Lyon 2024. 

But what drove Michael to pursue electronics in the first place? “When I first stepped into Gloucestershire Engineering Training, my training provider, I was introduced to the Electronics department,” he recalls. “I was put on a project, working on robots, which really sparked my interest. Recognising my potential, my training provider encouraged me to enter WorldSkills UK national competitions. From there, I competed at both regional and national levels, securing second place in 2022. That achievement opened doors, landing me a spot on Squad UK. I also got the opportunity to compete at EuroSkills Gdańsk 2023, which was a brilliant learning experience that I will take with me when I compete in September.” 

When asked about being chosen for Team UK, Michael’s voice radiates pride. “I’m absolutely thrilled,” he exclaims. “All the hard work and dedication I’ve invested have truly paid off, and being part of this community is incredibly fulfilling. My focus remains on sharpening my skills and embracing new skills. I’ve got some exciting training events coming up, including one in Vienna. There, I’ll have the opportunity to meet fellow competitors from across Europe for a friendly competition, which will help me prepare for the WorldSkills Lyon finals.” 

It hasn’t always been an easy journey for Michael. He recounts his initial struggles, recalling that during his first month of training with Squad UK in March 2023, his skills didn’t meet the required standard, and he was on the verge of being dropped from the team. However, recognising the immense potential this opportunity held for him, he dedicated himself wholeheartedly to improvement. 

Michael’s journey with WorldSkills UK is nothing short of inspiring. Reflecting on his experience, he shared, “I’ve gained a lot of confidence in my work and abilities. I used to doubt myself, but participating in competitions has boosted my confidence and provided invaluable skills for my career.” 

Looking ahead, Michael is ready to leave his mark in the electronics industry. He’s eager to tackle big projects and eventually manage his own team. 


When asked about what excites him most for WorldSkills Lyon, Michael is full of enthusiasm. “I’m really looking forward to the entire experience,” he said. “From witnessing the exciting opening and closing ceremonies to being immersed in the Team UK community, it’s all incredibly thrilling.” 

In closing, Michael emphasised the significance of participating in WorldSkills UK. “I wholeheartedly recommend it,” he stated. “The journey has been transformative, offering life-changing experiences, valuable opportunities, and essential skills that have significantly contributed to my career growth.” 

Team UK, powered by WorldSkills UK in partnership with Pearson.

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