The value of working with WorldSkills UK on creating, developing and delivering local competition activity gives you the opportunity to measure your learners against the national standards of excellence in preparation for national competitions and employment. As part of the process, you will receive digital credentials acknowledging the partnership with WorldSkills UK and the ability to use the WorldSkills UK brand. 

How it works:

  • Sign up to WorldSkills UK Local Competitions Support Programme here 
  • WorldSkills UK will contact you to discuss the process, and what is required from you.
  • If you have existing content WorldSkills UK can do quality assurance on your briefs and marking schemes and give recommendations and support to help align to the WorldSkills UK National Standards of Excellence 

If you are setting up local competitions for the first time WorldSkills UK can support you through the process of: 

  • Identifying the core competencies and standards 
  • What activities need to be completed 
  • Process and methods of how competitors will be assessment and marked 
  • Measures for feedback 
  • How this can be used to evidence for inspectorates 

The WorldSkills UK Local Competitions Handbook gives a comprehensive overview of the process and how to create, deliver and assess the competitions.

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