Terms and Conditions

Competitors can only participate in one competition per competition year. Registering for a WorldSkills UK Competition implies adherence to competition-specific rules. Disqualification will follow if false information is provided at registration, identified at any stage, or even after the competition concludes. Participants must accept terms and conditions during registration, failure to do so results in incomplete registration and exclusion from the competitions.

To be eligible to enter WorldSkills UK Competitions in 2025, participants must be at least 16 years of age on 1st September 2024 and must also meet at least one of the following criteria:

• Employed in the UK, having completed a relevant UK qualification in the last 12 months

• studying towards a relevant qualification in the UK, including T Levels

• working towards an apprenticeship in a relevant trade in the UK.

Additionally, for foundation skills competitions (SEND/ASL/ALN), the participant must be challenged at the level of the competition and registering organisations may be asked to provide evidence of participants’ level and specific learning and support needs.

Participants who fall into the following categories are not eligible to enter WorldSkills UK Competitions:

• Gold Medal winners cannot compete in the competition they won in any subsequent years

• squad UK and Team UK members forfeit their right to participate in WorldSkills UK competitions if they sign up to join Squad UK after a squad selection event

• those who have been employed within the industry, of the chosen skill, for more than three years prior to registration, not including the period of apprenticeship.

Competitors may only enter one competition in any given competition year.

Participants must have the support of their college, university, training provider and/or employer to participate in a WorldSkills UK Competition. This support must extend to the participant being free and able to attend all relevant competition events. Representatives and participants must ensure that all competition materials are read thoroughly and that they understand all aspects and requirements of the competition. Representatives are responsible for covering any travel, subsistence or accommodation expenses for their competitors incurred from involvement in WorldSkills UK Competitions, unless advised otherwise.

For each skills competition there is a clear outline of the requirements for entering the competition. As part of the competition registration process, representatives registering participants will be asked to confirm the participants they are entering are able to meet the entry criteria and core competences outlined against each skills competition and are not under or over-qualified. Participants who fail to meet the criteria for entering will not be eligible to participate in the competition. This decision will be made by the COP, in consultation with WorldSkills UK.

This year we will identify individuals or teams from the national competition final to join the long list for international competition development programme leading to WorldSkills Japan 2028. We will communicate with you during December 2025 to provide further information about joining the assessment for a place in Squad UK starting January 2027.

Individuals or teams must meet the essential criteria for consideration:

  • age eligibility
  • meet the minimum benchmark for performance in the competition
  • the competition is in a skill that progresses to international competition

Any name changes after the close of registration will only be permitted by WorldSkills UK in exceptional circumstances. Organisations entering participants into competitions must take care to ensure that they are registering the individual(s) who will actually be competing. Participants who arrive on-site or log in online and are not registered to compete will not be able to take part in the competition. We understand that it may be necessary, on occasion, to make changes to the composition of teams entering competitions. WorldSkills UK does not permit more than 50% of the team to change during the course of a national cycle after the registration period has closed. Only personnel already in the registration system will be able to be part of a changed team set up. A competitor may not change the name of the organisation which they are representing in 2025 after the point of registration. This means that the organisation they registered under is the name that they will be competing under and will be the name on any certificates that they may receive.

If a participant fails to attend a competition they have entered, and WorldSkills UK or the COP has not been notified at least five days in advance of the first day of competition, the COP is authorised to charge the registrant a non-attendance fee. Only National Qualifiers and UK National Finals are subject to non-attendance fees, which are charged at £150 per competitor or team, at the discretion of the COP.

Special dispensation may be granted by the COP for those that have declared a physical, sensory or learning difficulty prior to the competition. They will also endeavour to provide reasonable adjustments, where possible, for competitors who declare a physical, sensory or learning difficulty to them at any stage of the competition.

WorldSkills UK is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people involved in our programmes of activity. WorldSkills UK believes it is unacceptable for any young person to experience abuse of any kind and providing a safe environment for skills development is core to our work. Our commitment is to promote and share good practice in safeguarding with the COP. This includes supporting the development of their principles and processes to be person-centered and outcome-focused; making sure an individual’s wellbeing is promoted; protecting all participants in vulnerable circumstances, reducing and preventing risks.

Our Charter sets out our commitment and responsibilities to ensure the integrity and transparency of competition processes and practices delivered by us and our partners, COPs and training managers. Our commitment is to continually monitor and review the standards of competition activity delivered on our behalf to promote improvement and good practice and ensure partners involved in WorldSkills UK act with the highest level of integrity, honesty and fairness to ensure equal opportunity for all competitors.

In collaboration with our COPs, we aim to provide a high standard of quality and care in all our services. Our competitors’ and their representatives’ views are important to us and help to ensure the competition related services offered by us and our partners is consistently meeting the needs of our stakeholders. If you find you are unhappy with any of our services it is important that you let us know by following the guidelines in our complaints and feedback procedure.

In order to promote WorldSkills UK Competitions, we will, for the purposes of publicity in relation to vocational education, training and the competition, use relevant photographs and video film created during the competition. This may include details of the competition itself, i.e. name of competition, location, name of competitor and organisation. You will always have a choice as to whether this information is used and will be given an opportunity to exercise this choice during the registration process.

During and after the National Competitions

Late arrivals may result in disqualification without automatic extension of time. Exceptions may be considered by the COP or Lead Judge in extraordinary circumstances. Throughout the competition, there should be no communication between competitors, the audience, representatives, or competition staff unless explicitly allowed.

Occupational health and safety (OH&S) legislation applying to the competition and event derives from The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and all applicable regulations included under this legislation. All activities must comply with the relevant national regulation and proven best practices. Any breaches of health, safety and welfare must be reported to the COP or Lead Judge. The COP or Lead Judge will carry out a safety check of the competition site prior to the competition. This also applies to any digital or remote competition activity during the National Qualifiers. All competitors, representatives and competition Judges will receive a health and safety briefing before the start of the competition.

Competitors must start and finish work when instructed to do so by the COP or Lead Judge. Competitors may be allowed a familiarisation period before the start of the competition. Additional information may be distributed/circulated in advance by the COP or Lead Judge. Competitors may ask questions during this defined period. Competitors wishing to leave the competition area or log out while the competition is in progress must obtain the permission of the COP or Lead Judge. Competitors may leave before the competition time has elapsed but will be required to declare that they are finished to the Lead Judge and may not re-enter the competition area once they have left. In some competitions, at the National Qualifier stage there may be an option to ask the judges to fix a fault or provide a solution that is beyond the capability of the competitor for reasons other than time. Should the competitor choose to do this they will sacrifice all available marks for these criteria but may then be able to gain extra marks later for sequential but dependent tasks. The option to do this will be permitted solely at the discretion of the Lead Judge. This option will not exist at UK National Finals. Should a competitor feel unwell at any stage of the competition, he or she should make the COP or Lead Judge aware immediately. Competitors who need to repair their own tools or equipment during the competition will not be given additional time unless agreed by the COP or Lead Judge.

Competitors are not permitted to take any of the following into the competition area unless otherwise instructed: personal electronic hand-held devices including mobile phones, vaping devices, tablets, MP3 players, written notes, sketches or special aids. The COP or Lead Judge will ensure that marking is undertaken fairly and will calculate marks to establish places and awards. Judges are not allowed to discuss marks or provide one to one feedback to competitors unless it has been built into the competition programme. This feedback should be consistent and follow the same format for all competitors. Should a competitor feel at a disadvantage for any reason before or during the competition, he or she should bring it to the COP or Lead Judge’s attention immediately, following the complaints procedure.

WorldSkills UK is hugely grateful of your support for competitors and asks for all supporters to abide by the WorldSkills UK Competition Rules to ensure a fair and enjoyable competition for all.

Interference by visitors that may assist a competitor in the completion of their competition project is forbidden and may result in that competitor being disqualified or penalty points deducted from their overall score.

During the formal competition time, visitors are not allowed to talk to competitors.

Failure to comply with this may result in that competitor being disqualified or penalty points deducted from their overall score.

Visitors are not allowed to hand anything over the competition barriers to competitors at any time. Visitors are requested not to stand at the competition barrier for long periods of time as this can be distracting for competitors and you may be asked to leave the premises and/or competition area.

Competitors must wear appropriate clothing and safety equipment in accordance with health and safety regulations for the skill, such as safety glasses, gloves and ear defenders.

All electrical equipment brought by competitors or representatives should be PAT tested within the last 12 months and used at the competitor’s own risk. Adhering to health and safety practices is the responsibility of each competitor.

Failure to do so may result in disqualification from the competition and being asked to leave the competition venue. Safe work practices of the relevant industry and the venue must be adhered to at all times.

Depending on the type of competition, it may not be possible for results to be disclosed on the day of the competition. It will be clearly explained at the beginning of the competition, as part of the briefing, if this is the case. Competition results may be announced at the end of each National Qualifier, at the discretion of the COP.

Competitors taking part in National Qualifiers will receive their certificates of participation at the end of the competition. A summary of their marks will be sent by email after the last competition National Qualifier has taken place. Competitors submitting work to a entry stage will receive their certificates of participation by post to the address entered at the point of registration. A summary of their marks will be sent by email after the competition judging has taken place. The competitors who achieve the highest marks across all National Qualifiers within their competition are selected to progress to the UK National Final.

Once all Qualifiers have taken place and finalists have been verified by WorldSkills UK, the COP will communicate with all competitors to notify those who have secured a place in the UK National Finals 2025. This communication will occur during Summer 2025. WorldSkills UK will publish the list of all finalists online from Summer 2025.

Selection process for WorldSkills 2026

For a WorldSkills UK National Competition aligned with a WorldSkills international event, WorldSkills UK reserves the right to withhold international progression. We will implement this policy with consideration and strive to notify affected individuals and organisations promptly.

The following outlines the progression of individuals and teams from 2025 and 2026 to Squad UK Selection:

• up to six of the highest scoring age eligible competitors who achieve a minimum score of 65% at the UK National Finals 2025 and 2026, may be invited to opt in for a place in Squad UK for WorldSkills 2028

• up to three of the highest scoring age-eligible teams who achieve a minimum score of 65% at the UK National Finals 2025 and 2026, may be invited to opt in for a place in Squad UK for WorldSkills 2028

• if we are unable to identify the capacity required from the National Finals, we may take the decision not to progress the competition to WorldSkills International as part of our annual review of the skills portfolio.

The Squad UK selection for WorldSkills 2028 will take place alongside the National Finals.
The highest scoring competitors who achieve a minimum score of 65% during the UK National Finals 2025 and 2026, will be considered for a place in Squad UK for WorldSkills 2028.

Squad UK for WorldSkills 2028 will be announced at a date to be confirmed, following the UK National Finals. Further details will be shared with those selected for Squad UK, Long List and their organisations about the WorldSkills 2028 programme by January 2027. Those selected for Squad UK will undertake a preliminary selection process (phase three) to progress to phase four in March 2027.

Following the UK National Finals 2026, should any of the Squad UK places not be filled, WorldSkills UK has the right to identify alternative competitors/teams from other sources. If suitable candidates cannot be sourced, WorldSkills UK may take the decision not to progress the skill towards WorldSkills Japan 2028.

WorldSkills UK will exercise this policy with care and will make every effort to ensure individuals and organisations affected are informed of any such decision. In line with the development of the WorldSkills International and WorldSkills Europe portfolios, WorldSkills UK may choose to participate in additional demonstration skills, where there is already an established or developing WorldSkills UK Competition that would provide a source of competitors with the required skill set.

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